;XX:-DIRS-.CMD.3, 9-Sep-88 02:50:57, Edit by SRA ; Logical name definitions to compile CHIVES. ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; This file has to be customized to your particular site. The various ; .CTL files that build the CHIVES code all look for this file to ; figure out where you are keeping things. ; ; This file is provided by way of an example. The values used on XX ; are provided in commented out form to help you figure out what the ; logical names refer to. ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; Where the sources currently live ;define CHIVES_SOURCE: XX: ; ; Where monitor universal files live (for GTDOM/UGTDOM) ;define MONITOR_UNIVERSALS: foo: ; ; Search paths built out of the preceeding define DSK: DSK:,CHIVES_SOURCE: define SYS: DSK:,SYS: ;define UNV: DSK:,MONITOR_UNIVERSALS:,UNV: