;;; DSYMS2.MAC -- tidy up a DSYMS file. See DSYMS1.MAC. ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 1987 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ;;; ;;; Note that there is absolutely NO WARRANTY on this software. ;;; See the file COPYRIGHT.NOTICE for details and restrictions. ; Constant stuff PURGE BCONST,DCONST,OCONST,ECONST ; Structure stuff PURGE BSTRUCT,DFIELD,DHALF,DFILL,DWORD,DWORDS,ESTRUCT ; Tuple stuff PURGE BTUPLE,TUPLE,ATUPLE,ETUPLE ; RDATA stuff PURGE BRDATA,RDATA,ARDATA,ERDATA ; Internal symbols PURGE $$$CVT,$$$EQV IFDEF $$$WRD, IFDEF $$$FLD, END