#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id: spamindex.pl,v 1.7 2004/02/09 18:07:12 sra Exp $ # Hack to write a simple html index for a maildir and clean out old # messages. Intended usage is generating a public listing of recent # messages rejected by spam filtering. No doubt the HTML could use # some prettification. use strict; use Mail::Folder::Maildir; use Date::Parse; use Date::Format; use Getopt::Long; use HTML::Entities; my $usage = "usage: $0 (defaults in parentheses) --maildir maildir to index (no default) --index html file to write (no default) --title title for html file (maildir) --prefix_del prefix to strip from maildir filenames (none) --prefix_add prefix to prepend to maildir filenames (none) --ageout how many days a message stays in maildir (forever) --seconds ageout in seconds, not days (false) --debug dry run (false) "; # Figure out what we're trying to do. my %opt; die($usage) unless GetOptions(\%opt, qw(maildir=s index=s title=s prefix_del=s prefix_add=s ageout=i seconds! debug!)) and $opt{maildir} and $opt{index}; $opt{ageout} *= 60 * 60 * 24 unless ($opt{seconds}); $ENV{TZ} = 'GMT'; my $now = time; # Open the maildir and a temporary output file. open(F, ">$opt{index}.$$") or die("Couldn't open $opt{index}.$$: $!"); my $f = Mail::Folder->new(maildir => $opt{maildir}) or die("Couldn't open $opt{maildir}: $!"); # Write page header. print(F "\n\n", encode_entities($opt{title} || $opt{maildir}), "\n\n\n", "\n\n") or die("Couldn't write $opt{index}.$$: $!"); # Sort mailbox, punt messages that are too old, # print a table row for each message remaining. for my $m (sort { $a <=> $b } $f->message_list) { my $fn = $f->get_message_file($m); if ($opt{ageout} && ($now - (stat($fn))[10]) > $opt{ageout}) { $f->delete_message($m) unless ($opt{debug}); } else { $fn =~ s{^$opt{prefix_del}}{$opt{prefix_add}}; chomp(my ($date, $from, $subject) = $f->get_fields($m, qw(date from subject))); $date = time2str("%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ", str2time($date)); print(F "\n\n", "\n", "\n\n") or die("Couldn't write $opt{index}.$$: $!"); } } # Write page trailer. print(F "
", encode_entities($date), "", encode_entities($from), "", encode_entities($subject), "
\nIndex generated at ", time2str("%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ", $now), "\n\n\n") or die("Couldn't write $opt{index}.$$: $!"); # Close and install the output file. close(F) or die("Couldn't close $opt{index}.$$: $!"); rename("$opt{index}.$$", $opt{index}) or die("Couldn't rename $opt{index}.$$: $!"); # Force maildir changes out to disk, then we're done. $f->sync unless ($opt{debug}); $f->close;