"I'm not proud of being a congenital pain in the ass. But I will take money for it."

Gone Pelican Surfing

Wed 13 June 2018 | -- (permalink)

Blogofile served well enough for an initial experiment with this kind of statically-compiled blogging software, but it's a bit inflexible, and, more to the point, I found the way it typeset things like code samples fairly hard to read. So I went looking for blogofile themes that could fix the latter problem, and discovered that everybody's expected to roll their own. ENOTIME.

Then I happened to stumble across a page describing the migration path from Blogofile to Pelican. Same basic idea as Blogofile, but more actively maintained, huge library of themes available, and default theme out of the box was enough to solve the readability issues that got me into this in the first place.

As an added bonus, Pelican is easier to configure than Blogofile, requires less obscure cruft floating around in the source directory, and gives the user enough control that it was trivial to configure Pelican to preserve Blogofile's URL scheme, so that existing links (assuming anybody out there actually reads this...) continue to work.

Nice job. I may play with themes at some point but it's not urgent.